Scenic Fort Worth Chapter
Founded in 1995, Scenic Fort Worth is dedicated to promote scenic beauty as a valuable asset for all who live, visit, and conduct business in the City of Fort Worth. We are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the natural and built character of the city through public policy, information, and education. Our philosophy is to provide leadership and to develop alliances that build a strong community voice for quality of life ordinances, policies, and programs.
Banned new billboards in the City and ETJ including disallowance of existing billboard conversion to electronic signs or require relocation of billboards removed for public work projects
Requirement of landscaping for all new business and industrial developments and for major additions to existing sites
Established new standards for commercial signs by requiring monument signs and establishing limits for temporary signs and “attention-getting devices”
Changed the route and design of a State highway and toll road, required context sensitive road design, extensive landscaping, and lower speed limits within the City of Fort Worth
Increased the tree canopy for the entire city by protecting mature trees and requiring new tree planting in all zoning categories. Also, developed green space and public areas, trees planting programs, and public/private development of a community park
Facilitated application for Scenic Cities award for Fort Worth “Gold” in 2016 and application in 2018
Assisted Scenic Texas with bi-annual legislative advocacy regarding proposed bills that could affect our mission
Contact us info@scenictexas.org