Our Legal Experts Weigh In on Outdoor Advertising Cases
Scenic Texas, the state’s only non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of our state’s visual environment, particularly as seen by the traveling public, keeps an eye on the state court cases pertaining to outdoor advertising and commercial signs. Unfortunately, without an organization like Scenic Texas to alert and engage the public and stakeholders that stand to lose scenic environment standards, these legal cases can create devastating visual precedents throughout the state and country.

Reagan and Lamar v. City of Austin
Other Cases
Powell v. Houston
The Texas Supreme Court ruled in Powell v Houston 9-0 in favor of the City of Houston. Justice Busby was assigned the opinion and wrote a strong opinion in favor of the City and preserving the visual environment, and four justices joined a concurrence that narrowly avoided causing havoc. Another victory for the scenic family in Texas.
Rabbit Hill v. State of Texas
Often times taxpayers get stuck with paying for billboards that the state needs to take down for highway expansions. In this case, Clear Channel claimed that their billboards were worth almost a million dollars, an exorbitant cost for the state and taxpayers to have to pay. Here are the case details and the scenic brief prepared by Scenic Texas.