20 Colony Park Circle |
Scenic Galveston
SCENIC GALVESTON was formed in 1992 specifically to realize the dream of creating a high-visibility marsh preserve along the highway approach to Galveston Island.
SCENIC GALVESTON was formed in 1992 specifically to realize the dream of creating a high-visibility marsh preserve along the highway approach to Galveston Island.
Purpose: A volunteer membership service organization dedicated to the mission of creating land trusts of scenic habitat conservation preserves now over 6,000 acres: includes permanent protection and restoration of the 1,050-acre John M. O’Quinn I-45 Scenic Estuarial Corridor, the natural marsh gateway to Galveston; the contiguous 1,840 acres of native coastal prairie and wetland habitat on the Virginia Point Peninsula Preserve, and recent oversight of 3,000+ acres of conservation easement trust lands on north West Galveston Bay. SCENIC GALVESTON’S service includes archeological protection of National Register Pending 1860 Fort Hebert, the origination site of the “Battle of Galveston” and 5 other important historical sites on VPPP.
Major Events/ Volunteer
- Partnership cleaning events in April and September with GLO in ADOPT-A-BEACH /ESTUARY
- Annual March TRASH BASH with Rivers, Lakes, Bays N’ Bayous
- Volunteer day events for maintenance, soil erosion projects, controlled burns, mowing and herbiciding
- Participation in bird surveys, including the Great Texas Bird Classic and Christmas Bird Count
- Oyster and marine work
- Prairie and Galveston Bay shoreline plantings
- Events at Reitan Point
scenicgalveston.org| Evangeline Whorton | Founder and Chairman | 409.789.4996 | Evangelinewhorton@yahoo.com